Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital Parking
Parking Rates
Per 30 mins: $4.75
Daily max: $17.50
Lost ticket: $17.50
Day Pass (24 hours, unlimited in/out): $22.50
5-days: $43.75
10-days: $87.50
30-days: $262.50
Learn more about HPASS permits.
Disclaimer: Rates are subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise displayed in the parking facility, regular rates on Holidays apply.
Directions to Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital
Parking Details
The North visitor parking lot (our main parking lot) is located on the North side of Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, on the west side of Trench Street, directly across from D-Wing, near the Emergency Department. Our South visitor parking lot is located on the south side of the hospital, on the south and east side of A-Wing. Both visitor parking lots are gated.
Short-term parking is available at the south end of the hospital, close to the Main entrance of A-Wing at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Parking here is limited and features a "Pay and Display" ticket system with a one-hour maximum time limit. Passes cannot be used in this area.
Surface parking lot with Pay-and-Display parking meters and a gated parking system.
Yes, accessible parking spaces are located within both gated visitor parking lots, as well as in our short-term parking area and within our Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) parking lot at the rear of A-wing.
Location: near the entrance of the North visitor parking lot
Email: scheptine@precisebi.com
Phone: 905-883-1212 ext. 3070
Hours: Monday-Friday, 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM Saturday-Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Parking Facility Maps
Mackenzie Richmond Hill
Click Map to Enlarge
Parking Instructions
Learn how to use the gated parking system at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital.
Learn how to use the Pay-and-Display parking meters at the Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital.
Hospital Parking Questions
Find the answer you are looking for in one of the inquiry sections below:
+ Why do I have to pay for parking?
Parking revenues are used to pay for the costs to maintain the hospital’s parking lots. Profits generated through parking revenues are reinvested to help improve patients’ experiences and outcomes, as well as supporting projects approved by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long-Term Care (e.g., leading-edge technology and equipment, research, etc.).
+ Is there both long-term and short-term parking available?
Yes, there is both long- and short-term parking available at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital.
Short-term parking is available at the south end of the hospital, close to the Main entrance of A-Wing at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Parking here is limited and features a "Pay and Display" ticket system with a one-hour maximum time limit. Passes cannot be used in this area.
+ How many visitor parking lots are there?
There are 2 parking lots available for visitors at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital:
- North Visitor Parking Lot (located on the North side of Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, on the west side of Trench St., directly across from D-wing, near the Emergency Department.)
- South Visitor Parking Lot (located on the south side of the hospital, on the south and east side of A-wing.)
+ Is there a parking office onsite?
Yes, there is an onsite parking office located at the entrance of the North Visitor Parking Lot. The parking office’s hours of operation are as follows:
- Monday to Friday, 6:00 AM -7:00 PM
- Saturday to Sunday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Email: parkingservices@mackenziehealth.ca
Phone: 905-883-1212 ext. 3070
+ Is there accessible parking onsite?
Yes, accessible parking spaces are located within both gated visitor parking lots, the short-term parking lot and within the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) parking lot at the rear of A-wing. All vehicles utilizing accessible parking spaces must clearly display a valid Ministry of Transportation accessible parking permit at all times.
+ Do I have to pay for parking in an accessible parking stall?
If there are paid parking regulations at a hospital, it typically applies to all parking stalls at the facility. Unless otherwise communicated, accessible permit holders are required to pay for parking.
+ Do I get a senior’s discount on parking?
The parking rates at a hospital are universal to all visitors.
+ Do I get a veteran’s discount on parking?
The parking rates at a hospital are universal to all visitors.
+ Is overnight parking permitted?
Yes, overnight parking is permitted.
+ Where can I pay for parking?
You have the option to pay for parking at the parking meters or at pay stations for lots with gated parking systems.
+ Is daily parking permitted?
Yes, daily parking is permitted in all lots with parking meters or gated parking systems. The rates for daily parking are as follow:
- $4.50/per 30 minutes
- $17.00/daily maximum
- Lost ticket: $17.00
- Day Pass (24 hours, unlimited in/out): $22.00
+ Is there a patient drop-off area?
The drop-off area is located in front of the Emergency Department entrance at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Please note that there is a 10-minute maximum time limit when picking up and dropping off guests. The drop-off area is monitored regularly by Hospital Security and vehicles must never be left unattended.
+ Where can I purchase an Employee or Contractor parking permit?
Staff members can apply online to purchase a parking permit for this location at the following link: https://ipass.preciserd.com/v2/Register?profileid=8&siteid=432.
+ What types of staff parking permits are there?
There are 3 types of parking permits available for staff at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital.
- Pay-as-you-go permit
- Physician permit
- Staff permit
+ How much is a staff parking permit?
The price of parking permits varies per lot.
+ How much notice is required to cancel my parking subscription?
To cancel your parking subscription, a minimum of 30 days’ notice is required. You must cancel your parking subscription before the end of the month in order to receive a refund for the current and future months that were already paid for.
+ What is the billing cycle for staff parking permits?
Staff can either be billed on a monthly basis or purchase an annual permit upfront.
+ Where can I pick up my IPASS parking permit?
You can pick up your IPASS parking permit at the onsite parking office.
+ What type of pass is my staff parking permit?
Staff members with a IPASS permit must use an HID access card.
+ What do I do if my IPASS is lost?
If you lose your IPASS you must register for a new pass. There is no replacement fee required.
+ What do I do if my IPASS stops working?
If your IPASS is no longer working, contact us.
+ What is a Pay-and-Display parking meter?
Pay-and-Display parking meters require drivers to visibly display a parking receipt on their dashboard as proof of payment.
+ How many parking meters are there? Where are they located?
There are 2 pay-and-display parking meters at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital. They are located in the short-term parking lot at the south-end of the e hospital, close to the Main entrance of A-Wing at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Parking here is limited and has a one-hour maximum time limit. Parking passes cannot be used in this area.
+ Do I have to display a parking receipt on my dashboard when I use a Pay-and-Display parking meter?
Yes, you must display your parking receipt on your vehicle dashboard as proof of payment.
+ What payment methods does this parking meter accept?
The methods of payments that are accepted to pay for parking include:
Parking meters:
- Credit cards
- Coins
- Credit Cards
- Visa Debit
- Mastercard Debit
+ How does Parkedin scan-to-pay work with parking meters?
Parkedin’s scan-to-pay option for parking meter systems works as follows:
- Scan a QR code on signage throughout the parking facility, or visit www.parkedin.com
- Alternatively, enter the parking lot Zone ID displayed on signage throughout the parking lot
- Enter your parking information
- Follow the payment prompts
- A receipt is emailed to the customer
Customers are not required to download the Parkedin mobile app to pay for parking. However, if they choose to, they can pay for parking within the app.
+ Where are the gated parking lots located?
The North Visitor Parking Lot is located on the North side of Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital, on the west side of Trench St., directly across from D-Wing, near the Emergency Department. The South Visitor Parking Lot is located on the south side of the hospital, on the south and east side of A-Wing. Both parking lots are gated.
+ Where are the parking pay stations located?
Before you can exit the parking lot, you will need to pay for parking at one of the pay stations located at:
- North Visitor Lot by Parking Office - 2 Pay Stations
- D-Wing Emergency Entrance – 1 Pay Station
- C-Wing Main Entrance – 1 Pay Station
- Entrance of South Visitor Lot - 1 Pay Station
+ What payment methods are accepted?
Pay stations in the gated parking lots accept the following payment methods:
- Cash
- Coins
- Credit cards
- Debit
+ How does Parkedin work with gated parking lots?
Parkedin’s scan-to-pay option for gated parking systems works as follows:
- Scan the QR code on the entry ticket you obtained when entering the parking lot
- Alternatively, enter the parking lot Zone ID displayed on signage throughout the parking lot
- Enter your parking information
- Follow the payment prompts
- A receipt is emailed to the customer
- Upon exit, insert your entry ticket into the exit terminal
Customers are not required to download the Parkedin mobile app to pay for parking. However, if they choose to, they can pay for parking within the app.
+ Do I have to download the Parkedin app to pay for parking?
Although a mobile app option is available, you are not required to download the Parkedin mobile app to pay for parking.
Instead, you can use the app-free, scan-to-pay option, which consists of scanning a QR code from your mobile device. The QR code will be displayed on the meter or on signage throughout the parking lot Once you scan the QR code, follow the payment prompts.
If you are paying for parking on behalf of someone and are not able to scan a QR code, visit www.parkedin.com and follow the prompts.
+ What is the Parkedin Zone ID?
The Parkedin Zone ID is #1072.
+ Do I have to create an account to use Parkedin?
Creating an account is not required to use Parkedin. Parkedin offers Guest check-out services. When you check out as a Guest on Parkedin, your receipt will be emailed to you.
+ Do I have to display a receipt on my dashboard when I use Parkedin to pay for parking?
You do not need to display a receipt on your dashboard when you pay for parking on Parkedin.
Once your transaction is processed, a receipt will be emailed to you. If you have an account with the Parkedin mobile app, you can also view previous receipts in the History section of the app.
+ Will I automatically get a reminder when my paid parking session is about to expire?
Yes, a reminder will be sent to the email address provided at least 10 minutes before the parking session is about to expire. Additionally, the original email receipt of payment will have a link to extend your parking session at any time during your stay.
+ How do I scan-to-pay?
Using the camera on your mobile device, open the camera app, hold the camera over the code and tap the link that appears. Then, follow the prompts to pay for your parking session.
+ How do I use the Parkedin scan-to-pay option in parking lots with parking meters or no gates?
If you pay for parking in a non-gated parking lot with parking meters, scan the QR code on the signage displayed throughout the parking lot using the camera on your mobile device. Follow the payment prompts and proceed to your destination.
Alternatively, you can visit www.parkedin.com, enter the parking lot Zone ID and follow the payment prompts.
+ What is HPASS?
HPASS is a preloaded multi-day card for 5, 10 or 30 days that gives patients and frequent visitors a discounted parking rate. The HPASS™ card allows for “in-and-out” privileges within a 24-hour time period.
+ How do I register for an HPASS permit?
Click here to learn how to register for an HPASS permit at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital.
+ How do I track my HPASS usage?
Click here to learn how to track your HPASS usage.
+ How do I use my HPASS permit?
Click here to learn how to use an HPASS permit.
+ How many days can I purchase an HPASS permit for?
You can purchase an HPASS card for 5, 10 or 30 days.
+ Will my HPASS permit work on the same day it is activated?
Yes, your HPASS permit is ready to use upon activation. Please note that you must use your HPASS permit when entering and exiting a parking lot.
+ How do I use my HPASS card at a parking lot with parking meters?
To use your HPASS card, insert the card into the credit card slot located on the parking meter.
+ Is my HPASS card transferable?
Yes. HPASS cards are transferable between patients and family members. Please note that staff members are not permitted to purchase HPASS permits.
+ What do I do if I lose my HPASS permit?
Your HPASS card cannot be replaced if it is lost or stolen. If an HPASS card has been misplaced, the card can be blocked from the account to ensure that remaining usages are not consumed.
+ How do I add more value to my HPASS permit?
HPASS cards are preloaded with the number of uses that are purchased—depending on the hospital location they may be available for 5, 10, 30 or 100 uses). The HPASS card cannot be reloaded once all uses have been consumed. To continue to use HPASS you must purchase a new card.
+ How long is my HPASS valid for?
An HPASS is valid for one year from the date of activation.
+ What do I do if my HPASS doesn’t work?
If your HPASS card has been activated and the card does not grant you access into the parking lot, please visit the parking office or contact our HPASS customer service team at (416) 398-4052 ext. 585.
+ How much notice is required to cancel my parking subscription?
To cancel your parking subscription, a minimum of 30 days’ notice is required. You must cancel your parking subscription before the last day of the month in order to receive a refund for the current and future months that were already paid for.
+ I forgot my HPASS permit. Can the parking office offer me a courtesy exit?
If you have forgotten your HPASS permit, you are required to pay for parking.
+ How will an enforcement officer know if I have paid for parking?
When you pay for parking, you are required to display your parking receipt on your vehicle dashboard as proof of payment for patrol officers.
+ Who is responsible for issuing parking tickets?
Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital maintains the right to issue parking tickets.
+ What should I do if I receive a parking ticket?
Please visit www.parkingsupport.ca/parking-invoice-support for assistance with your parking ticket.
+ Where can I pay for a parking ticket?
Please visit www.parkingsupport.ca/parking-invoice-support for assistance with your parking ticket.
+ I overpaid for parking by pressing the same button on the pay station multiple times.
If you overpaid for parking, you are required to validate that your vehicle was not parked in the parking lot for the amount of time that you agreed to pay for.
+ I overpaid for parking by accident. What do I do?
If you overpaid for parking, you are required to validate that your vehicle was not parked in the parking lot for the amount of time that you agreed to pay for.
+ What do I do if I do not recognize a charge on my credit card?
If you do not recognize a charge on your credit card, please call your credit card company to verify the charge.
+ The pay station did not return my change. What do I do?
When using a parking meter, please ensure you input the exact change or pay with a credit card. Parking meters do not return coins or change.
+ I could not pay for parking because the pay station was not functioning. Can I have my parking invoice voided?
If a pay station is not functioning, you must use an alternative pay station to pay for parking.
+ Will I have to pay the increased amount if my dispute is not accepted after the seven-day early payment period?
If you submitted your Parking Invoice dispute within the seven-day early payment period and your dispute is not accepted, you are not required to pay the increased Parking Invoice amount. Instead, you are only required to pay the seven-day early payment period amount.
+ I did not pay for parking due to an emergency. Can my invoice be voided?
If your vehicle occupies space on private property with paid parking regulations, paying for parking is required.
+ How do I pay a Parking Invoice online?
To pay your Parking Invoice online, CLICK HERE. Enter your Parking Invoice # and License Plate # in the correct fields. Click verify parking invoice, and follow the payment prompts.
+ Will I be informed if my parking invoice dispute is accepted or denied?
Yes, all disputes must be in writing and responded to via email from collections@precisebi.com or violations@precisebi.com. Mailed disputes are answered via mail as long as a return address is provided.
+ Are there designated parking areas for staff?
Yes, staff are able to park at the following parking lots at Mackenzie Richmondhill Hospital:
- East Staff Lot
- Nested area in North Visitor Lot
- Physician Lot (hangtag required)
Page Suggestion?
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For questions or concerns for parking at this location, please visit www.parkingsupport.ca.
Mackenzie Health’s two hospitals – Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital and Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital – each have a full-service emergency department, core services and specialized services to provide you with the care you need. Our Woman and Child, Inpatient Mental Health and Inpatient Integrated Stroke programs are now open to the community at Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital. An extensive range of outpatient clinics, chronic kidney disease care, complex continuing care and rehabilitation remain at Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital. Our community-based locations and services continue to provide additional support to western York Region.
Precise ParkLink provides fully integrated parking and mobility services on behalf of property owners that create simple parking experiences. Being proudly 100% Canadian, we are passionate about delivering solutions that help Canadians get from point A to point Z and everywhere in between. With over 35 years of expertise, more than 900 employees, a head office in Toronto, and 18 supporting offices across the country, we support thousands of organizations in the healthcare, municipal, commercial, institutional, and private sectors.